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Shadow the mercat

A member registered Feb 23, 2019

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I hope you all are graded well for this. I'm certainly familiar with the pressure of looming deadlines 馃様. Good luck with future projects too!

Speedware communityCreated a new topic A bit of feedback

"Well done!" is a good place to start.  I wanted to offer a bit of feedback for you guys to consider and do what you please with.  I thought it was pretty fun so far (I've played through a few levels) 馃槃 I found the over-all physics cool and the colour change mechanic was interesting. I was very amused with the the sound effects especially the level completion.

I know you mentioned polishing up and are aware of menu stuff. ( I don't know if this includes the picking up of the collectible disks displaying a 3/1 in-game.)

I had a momentary resolution issue right upon executing the game but it kinda worked itself out with some resizing of the game window.

Maybe there could be some type of preliminary animation to illustrate the game concept? Like a few seconds clip of something along the lines of text bubbles/data floating by and the nanobot looking back at an approaching wall of deletion/de-materialization? 馃槷 Or, as an alternative to a pre-first level cutscene, an animated clip of this sort could be used as a promotional tool instead perhaps.

*I noticed the linear progression map of the levels and thought how cool it would be if there could be multiple finish line points to levels that could send you down a hidden branch of separate levels (either harder or easier?)

What are your thoughts on power-ups? like little nanobot shoes (even though they don't have feet) that boost speed for a couple of seconds, or a little helicopter propeller to increase jump capacity

*what about instances for cosmetically altering the nanobot? ( say if you were a beta-tester versus when the game gets fully released, or as having completed all the levels under a certain time, or maybe from finding all hidden collectibles) 

However you decide to move forward on this project, best of luck!!

(*it occurs to me that since I have not played all the way through, if something like this is already built in then please excuse my ignorance xD )